Nova: THANK YOU for writing this! I’m so sorry for your experiences and feel a fire in my belly for you. I can absolutely understand why it would have taken 3.5 years to speak on this: the traumatic elements of this are hitting me in my whole chest, as another black woman who also had a wild and painful ride with the publishing industry. I’ve wanted to speak on the not so wonderful experience I had with one of the “Big 5” publishers for YEARS. You have given me the guts to speak up.

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I am so sorry you also had a poor publishing experience. It’s not good enough. And I am so glad to hear my sharing has inspired you to share about yours.

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Nova. I feel all of this.

We were published by the same imprint at the same time, with may of the same team, and to say that it was appalling would be an understatement.

The constant slights, the veiled, and explicit racism. The belittling of feelings and experiences. The feeling of being constantly 'reminded' just how 'lucky' we were to have this 'opportunity' that so many dream of (as though our own years of knowledge, work, and expertise weren't the reason that we were publishing, rather than it being some kind of 'gift' from publishers who were opening the door just wide enough for us to try to wriggle through).

There were constant threats of retribution and retaliation if we spoke out or complained about the way that these people, on payroll, doing their day jobs, were treating us, or our work.

I am a light skinned mixed race Black woman, my experience was less harmful than yours, and STILL for years later I felt certain that I would never write anything again. I just couldn't face going through all of that again.

Thank you for speaking out. I wanted to, but was told I would essentially never work again if I did. Thank you for being brave, as you always are. And shouldn't have to be.

SW xx

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Your experience was entirely unacceptable. Threats of retribution are as far as I am concerned, abusive. Thank you for sharing parts of your experience Sophie. I’m so sorry these things happened to you.

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You words here are powerful, healing, revealing, and so very necessary, Nova. Thank you endlessly foe sharing. We could use continuous forums on these issues. Bless you....

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Thank you Dr Jaiya. I so love having you in this community and appreciate your words. I agree. I think continuous forums on these issues would be helpful and reparative.

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Thank you sharing 💜

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Nova Reid

Thank you for sharing your journey and experiences Nova. So. Much. Harm. At every level in every stage of the journey- I remember you sharing the book cover options on Instagram and they were at best insulting and at worst degrading and blatantly missing the whole point of your brilliant book. It really infuriates me to hear and read your words and I 💯 believe every word and that it could be a different experience- which it absolutely can with all the suggestions and guidance you have given, having lived through such terrible experiences. The publishing world needs to wake up and shake up to create a safer place for Black and minoritised authors to thrive. I hope to read another book by you, created and brought into the world in a way that makes you feel safe, supported and with the joy and celebration that you deserve (not that you self-fund)!!

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I didn’t dare share my early book cover renditions on Instagram! But yes that was a whole experience of its own and though upsetting and frustrating, I don’t think that was synonymous with race. But yes - I look forward to having a much more nourishing publishing experience in the near future. Because I’ve many more stories to share with the world. Thank you for your words Lina

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Thank you for sharing this Nova. Your experiences are vile but your courage and your honesty are glorious. May what you write help other Black writers, and may it also show the 'white liberal women' in the publishing industry how liberal they are not, and what they must do to change.

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Thank you Angela

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Thank you for your vulnerability. The hoops and resilience you need just to survive is so much. Admire you for sticking through. Sharing our stories open doors for others. P

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That is my hope. Thank you Marc. Appreciate your words

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Thank you so much Nova, I will be sharing this with my community. Too many Black writers suffer in silence (unknowingly or without support) so I'm grateful for your bravery and words. So so admirable

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Thank you Amara. It’s my pleasure and I genuinely hope it helps others not have to go through what I and others did.

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So sorry you had to go through all of that, and thank you for sharing for others. The part about so-called liberal white women being the majority of publishing made me laugh, because ain't that the truth! They'll shout upandan about gender equality but somehow will know nothing if isn't *white* women's gender equality.

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Thank you Temi. The experience was very revealing

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I'm so glad I've just stumbled across this. Such a vital post, thank you for sharing.

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Dec 24, 2023Liked by Nova Reid

As an out queer woman, my experience with the publishing industry was similar. Debut books can be traumatic and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

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That I can also understand- and even moreso when queerness and blackness intersect. It can be dangerous. Im so sorry to hear your debut experience was traumatic too. It’s unacceptable.

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Thanks for this. It’s always good to hear you aren’t alone.

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The roadmap you laid out here is something I’ve been aching for for years. So many “acclaimed” black authors are silent about the devastating realities of that industry. Saving and sharing.

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The silence really doesn’t help at all - and I also understand why it’s so dominant. I am so glad my article was helpful to you. Thank you.

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Thank you for sharing Nova - I'm so sorry you were so badly treated, it sounds like a traumatic experience from start to finish.

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There were joyful moments - often co-created by me (my book launch being an example- I had to pay for my own) sadly most of it was deeply harmful.

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Sending you so much love ♥

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